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The Perfect Serve


Starting anything is always daunting. Starting something new in a place where it’s never been done before is even scarier. Now, starting something new, in a place where it’s never been done, off the back of a pandemic, at a time when budgets have never been tighter, is a monster of its own. But here we are, monsters slain, drinks in hand, magic ahead.

So, allow me to introduce us to you, THE PERFECT SERVE. We are convivialists of note. We love to eat good; better yet, we love being in good company, eating and drinking good. If there is a gathering of humans, with good vibes and exceptional food, we’re probably there, fully indulging, or behind the scenes curating those special moments for your enjoyment.

Now that introductions are out of the way, a toast! Firstly, to the magic of newness. The undertaking of a new venture and diving into the unknown is as scary as it is exhilarating.  This publication is a first for Botswana, and collecting these moments for you has been nothing but a labour of love, with more love still to be poured into all that’s still to come. This is our gift to you.

Secondly, to all our amazing contributors who are an embodiment of the magic that follows when you ‘just start’; our foodies – Tayla Naika, Chef Lee Mokonyane and Christine Okello; Natasha Siku for being the perfect lunch host and the food snob Mmule Setati for inviting us into her kitchen.

And lastly, to friendship, the bonds forged over the breaking of bread around a literal dinner table or through the pages of a food and lifestyle guide called The Perfect Serve. Here’s to us journeying together, to MOMENTS REDEFINED.